Friday, June 5, 2009

You're Stupid, MTNastylove.

This weekend sucks.

Last night I was up until 4am expecting a call that I'm still waiting for I think.

It isn't coming, and I shouldn't expect it to anymore.

I don't know if I'm overreacting or not, but I think if I was, that my feelings wouldn't hurt so much.

I feel like something bad is going to happen to me this weekend. I deserve to have something bad happen to me.

Im going to try and have fun tonight, and I'm not answering my phone for a past due phone call.

People always say one thing, but they obviously mean another.

We'll see what's up.

Dear God,
It's me, MTNastylove.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I have a mustache.

I dont know the appeal that I find in it other than it makes me look like a completely different person, which isnt really what I'm aiming for.

It also makes me look older than i am, which is cool.

At times it has an unexplained power over me, however, i can't explain it (as previously mentioned in this very sentence).

I am going to keep it until I see fit.

This blog seemed rather pointless, maybe something exciting will happen within the next few days?

let's hope so.

Dear God,
It's me, MTNastylove.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

It has been quite a while hasn't it? Yes, It has.

Hello, it's me MTNastylove again.

I feel as if though this blog is an old friend whom I have just become acquainted with again after many years.

It feels like many years has passed.

Since I've last blogged, I started school and I now have a job as the Baby Gear guy at my local Dublin Babies 'R(backwards, btw' Us.

I like having money, as before I didn't have a job, I had zero of it.

I still have no friends.

They all live far or I just dont have the time to see anymore.

I dislike growing up, but it gets me paid so I cant really hate it too much.

I had to remove my eyebrow piercing for work, sadface.

I want to party really bad, but then I realize that I don't even like to party.

Maybe my seeming want for partying is my mind's way of telling me that I just need to relax and find some time for myself.

Maybe not, idk.

My life is great right now, I haven't felt so on top of things ever in my life as I do currently.

Yay me!

Watchmen comes out next week. I like Watchmen, but I don't like Watchmen band wagoners.

Scott Pilgrim is my idol, btw.

I need to finish my book.

I've decided that it'll be done by the end of the rush.

This has been pretty knowledgeably pointless.

Until next time though,

Dear God,
It's me, MTNastylove.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

I can has random facts!

I did this thing on facebook.

school starts on tuesday =D


Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you. (or not)

1. I lived in Santa Barbara for four months

2. I hate Santa Barbara

3. I have two first names Michael Anthony -_-

4. A lot of people think that I live in Union City, but I live in Mountain House (Tracy)

5. I taught toddlers how to swim, having only learned to swim a year prior.

6.I've cheated on two people. I'm an Asshole. (counts as one random fact lawl)
7. I'm in love with Elle Leung, my girlfriend and partial accomplice to the previous random fact. <3

8. I hate high school now that I'm not in it. the things that i do now make it seem so irrelevant

9. i'm afraid to finish college, because I don't feel like I retain info well.

10. I have a 10 year old African Spurred Tortoise; Aliases: Sir Isaac Newton, Mr. Isaac, The Turtle

11. I choose Elle over my friends, by choice. She is my best friend so she has seniority.

12. I'm currently writing an autobiographical novel titled: Stay Schemin': The Michael Triana Story.

13. I started another novel that I will probably never finish titled: TRE: Temp Rock Extreme. It's about the younger brother of a guitarist in a band that has rivalries with Japanese and German Bands and when his older brother dies, he is forced to replace him and discover what it really means to be in a band. Especially when money and magic powers are involved. Riveting.

14. My uncle isn't dead.

15. I used to hate my dad, but now I consider him to be one of my best friends.

16. I am afraid to grow up.

17.I think that is the reason that I want to be a teacher. I feel like it will be similar to being submerged in a land that speaks a language foreign to your own. If I am submerged in the culture of the current life and times of the youth, I will remain youthful.

18. I secretly wish that my authoring a novel will get me out of having to finish college.

19. Some people from high school don't keep in touch like they say. You know who you are.

20. I'm judgmental of a lot of my own family.

21. I don't like it when people don't like me.

22. I'm not careful to not offend people.

23. I find it hard to find other people funny. I'm hella funny. No lie.

24. I stand up for people who cant stand up for themselves.

25. I wish that I was Hitch.


Dear God,
It's me, MTNastylove.

Monday, January 12, 2009

From Where!? >:o

Oh hey, I thought I heard you coming -_-

today has a lot of significance in many ways.

it'd have a lot of different connotations if it was a word.

but it is not a word, it is a day.

a day that until today, on this day, was a day in which could be seen as a broken record.

not this year though.

i'm madly in love with 3||3

and I haven't a complaint in the world about anything in my life.

I love what you've done with the place fate. its very modern.

my life pwns.

i've always spent this day with a sense on fear or confusion, but today i stand with the utmost confidence and stare this day in the face and i mark a little x across it on my calendar like a man.

i now proclaim this day as a day where i won't let anything stand in my way, and let no emotion left untold.

i love me. + lyfe.

Dear God,
It's me, MTNastylove.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Oh Hey 2009, What's Up?

So the new year is upon us

i wonder what it has in store for me

plans: published book, engagement, dreams and aspirations met.

sounds good, no?

fuck yeah it does.

S***** is leaving soon.

He will be missed.

It means that besides my <3 3||3, I will have to go about life on my own.

I've never loved anybody as much as i love 3||3.

She is my perfect match, and my soulmate, i know it.

When you have the feeling that you've never felt the way you feel: you're feeling love.

That's what I think, and that's what i'm feeling.

I have gotten a lot closer to my family since i came back from SB hell.

I love them very much.

I have made a promise to myself not to do things that hurt my life.

This choice was made amidst a spinning car on the freeway in oncoming traffic.

I will cherish lfe and those who are by my side through it.

I don't have much to complain about.

I'm getting older, I feel wiser.

I hope that the feeling is mutual.

May the new year bring you and the ones that you love a world of happiness.

GTFO 2008

Dear God,
It's me, MTNastylove.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

"I think its because she is a bitch!" + Happy Holidays

So yesterday, right.

I hung out with a lot of people that I haven't seen for a really long time.

I miss the feeling of having friends in my life, although I know really well that they are not what I need at this moment.

I had a really good time, I got to see 3||3, who I didn't think I would.

And she got to see somebody that I thought was going to be adult about the whole thing, but apparently they have a problem in doing so.

You don't tell other people things that they are obviously going to tell me, about me.

I win. ftw.

I love life right now I guess, despite the fact that I am currently unemployed and I am at a loss of money.

I need $

last night ended on a good note, i suppose.

I was just told one thing then it just turned into something else.

maybe if i just got a hey, this is what is up.

want to join?

'oh, ok.'

that is what would have been said.

I was whooping ass on rock band and I 'kneed the shit out of' S*****'s phone and we went on adventure to get it repaired.

It actually seemed TOO easy.

the lady that gave us the replacement thought that it was hilarious.

The holidays are closing in on us.

I'm starting to find that my Dad is really one of my best friends. besides S***** and 3||3

I spend the whole day with him now and we talk about a lot.

Its surprising considering how our relationship was before I left for SB.

I think he respects the fact that I'm trying so hard to keep my shit together.

life is good.

Christmas Cometh.

Dear God,
It's me, MTNastylove. Happy Holidays.