Sunday, December 21, 2008

"I think its because she is a bitch!" + Happy Holidays

So yesterday, right.

I hung out with a lot of people that I haven't seen for a really long time.

I miss the feeling of having friends in my life, although I know really well that they are not what I need at this moment.

I had a really good time, I got to see 3||3, who I didn't think I would.

And she got to see somebody that I thought was going to be adult about the whole thing, but apparently they have a problem in doing so.

You don't tell other people things that they are obviously going to tell me, about me.

I win. ftw.

I love life right now I guess, despite the fact that I am currently unemployed and I am at a loss of money.

I need $

last night ended on a good note, i suppose.

I was just told one thing then it just turned into something else.

maybe if i just got a hey, this is what is up.

want to join?

'oh, ok.'

that is what would have been said.

I was whooping ass on rock band and I 'kneed the shit out of' S*****'s phone and we went on adventure to get it repaired.

It actually seemed TOO easy.

the lady that gave us the replacement thought that it was hilarious.

The holidays are closing in on us.

I'm starting to find that my Dad is really one of my best friends. besides S***** and 3||3

I spend the whole day with him now and we talk about a lot.

Its surprising considering how our relationship was before I left for SB.

I think he respects the fact that I'm trying so hard to keep my shit together.

life is good.

Christmas Cometh.

Dear God,
It's me, MTNastylove. Happy Holidays.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Home is Where I am is?

Goodbye to you SB.

Today, I woke up in Union City, CA.

This is a weird feeling for me

mostly because for the past four months in my life, I've woken up in Santa Barbara, CA.

I can't say that I won't miss Santa Barbara,

but It's damn good to be home.

Life will start here for me once again in a whole new way.

I've left behind a lot of good people in SB that I'd like to make notice of.

For those who've been my friends there,

I thank you.

There was a time where I thought that maybe I'd be alone in SB for a long time, but then friendship shone a light on what could be.

It was good, and thanks for the memories.

So, what now?

Nothing is changed really besides the scenery.

I'm back with my family and those that I love.

The world looks so much bigger from my perspective.

Endless possibilities.

I'll finally have time to finish my book.

btw, 12 yagerbombs: not sucha good idea, EVER!

Dear God,
It's me, MTNastylove.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Fuck you Draco, you bitchass nigga! #too little to bother.

I have problems, everyone has problems, but I don't go hypocritically imposing my opinions onto others.

If this is you, and you do this, this here at which i just referenced and explained; fuck you!

I don't care what you think, but your life sucks and you have no right trying to tell me whats what.

I hold back out of respect for you personally and for a very special someone.

you made me angry, and truth is i'll probably be over it by tomorrow, and this isn't even as significant event to you as it is to me, but just that you are really that stupid not to be considerate of what you're saying:

fuck you for the time being.

Dear God,
It's me, MTNastylove.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Blowin' O's for Oscar.

Tonight, I witnessed the demise of my childhood hero.

He went with the old, only to discover the new.

The first time I remember him losing was ten years ago.

I cried then. I won't now.

Oscar De La Hoya. My childhood hero.

Ten years is a lot of growing.

I can tell that I've done a lot of growing based on my reaction of the whole situation.

You can't win them all, as I know now.

As back then I thought he could, and that I could.

Tonight I know for certain that you can't win them all, but damnit,

you can try.

Good luck to you Oscar De La Hoya.

You can still wipe your ass with hundred dollar bills.

Thanks for the hope.

Dear God,
It's me, MTNastylove.

Monday, December 1, 2008

I hope not, breh 9.

So we're coming to the end of my first semester of college.

How does it feel you ask?

Well, first of all, thanks for asking, btw.

And Secondly, it feels great.

I'm that much closer to a career.

I need one so badly, i have to get out of this hell called schooling.

I almost can't tell the difference between high school and college.

It almost makes college seem somewhat unnecessary.

Why not just give me the high school/college degree in a sweet little bundle package?

It would save everyone a lot of time and money, no?

Another thing. I'm not fit for college. Not everyone is.

This brings me to my next point; why make life harder to achieve at if you only have a high school diploma? I think that it is bullshit.

I guarantee you that I will not be retaining most of this information that I have picked up in college three years from now when i am becoming a teacher.

Enough to teach of course, but you get my point.

Oh well, that's society for you.

Something else that bothers me,

the feeling of forever and not all the way.

trust is a big issue for me and if i don't feel trusted, i feel hurt.

this is probably very confusing for you out of the context of my own mind, but TRUST me, it makes plenty of sense to me.

and as always:

Dear God,
It's me, MTNastylove.

Monday, November 24, 2008

An MTNasty Thanksgiving! Good Grief! 17. and then 13.

Oh hey,

I almost didn't see you come in -_-

So this morning, after 3-4hrs of sleep I had to wake up at 6 for an 8am class

After that one hour hell, I come back to the apt and take a three hour nap.

I'm really tired and not in the best mood.

I believe school to be the source of this once again. I hate it.

I have another class at 6, and I'm not too excited to go, but I will.

This is the last monday class and class number two of four for the week?

halfway there. -_-

I can't wait until Thanksgiving.


I never got a chance to finish that post, but it seemed like i was in a really bad mood.

Thanksgiving really was great.

I rode home with S***** the night before.

I can honestly say that even more than SB itself, I will miss S*****.

What a good friend.

I'm thankful for a friend like him, among others. Most of all I'm thankful for my family.

They stay being there for me.

I guess its not too bad to have my health as well.

In the rest of the 08 calendar year I'd like to wish the best to everyone and those who they love.

This year has been a good one.

I know we're still a ways off of the new year, but I've come to start realizing how fast time moves, and how ever hard we try to play tug-of-war with it, we always fall short.

All hail to time.

Whether it is moving too fast or I'm just growing up, it isn't something that should be taken for granted.

Spend any time you have being with those you want to be with.

Don't let time slip away.

Love those that Love you.

I love everyone.


Dear God,
It's me, MTNastylove.

Friday, November 21, 2008

There is No Place like Yo' Place! 20.

So, I'm home.

I'll be home next week too.

And then I'll be home two weeks after that for the last time ever.

I don't mean in terms of actually being at home, but rather, ever having to go home again.

From SB.

I'll be leaving SB forever.

I'll be leaving the memories of it behind me and looking forward to what lies ahead.

Don't get me wrong, I love SB, but there is something deep within me that says I have done all that I set out to do by going there.

I will miss my new SB friends and the beautiful pacific coast, but there will never be anything like eating dinner with a family that I love and sleeping in a bed of my own knowing that I can get up the next morning and do exactly what I did the day before and be completely content with it.

School is closing in on me, however.

I wish that I could flash forward three and a half years and be done with it all and start my career as the best english teacher ever.

I hold a lot of dreams in this heart heart of mine.

Dreams aren't something to be taken lightly.

They have a way of making you push through all the bullshit when you think that the world is coming to an end.

I recently wanted to throw away all my dreams and then I was informed by a good friend of mine that shall remain ANONYMOUS** that maybe I was being a bit irrational.

Maybe I'm just impatient and even though I feel like I am trying my hardest and its going nowhere, I really am just trying to force that hand of time back to where it came from; the beginning.

the beginning of every tiniest glimpse of any thought process that ever went into any decision that I ever made.

You can't help but think that maybe sometimes you didn't make the right choice.

Don't blame yourself though, I certainly don't blame me for the things that I've decided to do, because if you want answers, there is no other way of getting them unless you go out there and ask questions.

SB was my question.

And I got my answer:

Home is where the heart is, and home is where I'm going.

Dear God,
It's me, MTNastylove.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

AYSM!? 24/5!?!?


So its almost tomorrow, right?

thanks for telling me, because I've been sitting here doing absolutely nothing all day and I have an assignment due tomorrow.

And, you did say it was almost tomorrow, so that's a good thing to know.


I am the procrastination prince.

Prince MTNastylove of Procrastia.

idk how things went today with anything. I'm super annoyed and irritated about a lot of things, but overall i can't complain.

Sitting on a couch all day doing nothing is a privilege (jenniferface)

I have come to realize that now and I will not take it for granted by getting off of it and doing something productive other than homework.

I don't even know what i'm talking about anymore, I'm really tired and stressed because I have to finish this work.

I didn't write any story today at all ;[ and I probably won't tomorrow.

I'm writers blocked.

What hath thou done to deserve this?

Tomorrow was a good day though, I suppose.

I got hammered with my bestfriend and we went out.

apparently, and according to the mass text i sent: 'I dance with everyone and S***** no dance with anyone'

We also sang the incorrect lyrics to the song 'Buzzin' the entire night.


She was buzzin all over me x 3
She was buzzin all over me like she fell in love.


She was buzzin all over me
She was buzzin all over you
She was buzzin all over me like she didn't know

and then we attempted to rap a verse which was completely made up.

Nobody cared to correct us though.

Friends don't let friends Drunk dial and sing the incorrect lyrics to the song 'Buzzin'

Thanks Friends.

I am ashamed of us.

I called someone a bitch too.


MTNastylove: Oh hey you know Anonymous.

MTNastylove Proclaimed 'Bitch': Yeah, so?

*Awkward Silence

MTNastylove: You are Bitch, I don't know why Anonymous hangs out with you. Bitch.

S*****: We're OUT!

*MTNastylove and S***** scurry away.

'I turned the radio on, I turned the radio up, and this woman was singing my song.'

I miss thee Lisa Loeb.

Dear God,
It's me, MTNastylove.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

procrastiNation of MTNastylove 25?

I stay procrastinating. I know 'MTNastylove, go do your hw instead of blogging'

mind your business.

I'm doing ok, i suppose. But everyone wonders, could i be doing better?

I have writers block, severely.

I want nothing more than to finish this damn book.

My new book, Temp Rock Extreme, is a lot easier to write for some reason.

I think that I am better at writing from creativity rather than personal history.

I don't know what it is, I mean it happened already, right?

I should just be able to gather words from memory and put them to paper, creating money making possibilities. $$$$

'I...' is a popular start to lines in this post, isn't it.

The made up people in the previous post are having a made up conversation in a made up room right now about their made up future as a made up couple in this very real but made up world.

Lets just hope things don't get made up in order to make up. yadig?

The paper that I've been working on for a month is one page from being complete, but I think that writers block is plaguing my soul as of the moment.

I am sadface about a lot of things that will be happening in the coming weeks, but these are the cards I have chosen to deal to myself.

I'll make things my own, no matter where i'm at, i suppose.

Dear God,
It's me. MTNastylove.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Recon Mission: Complete 27. Now w/ Forward.

Forward from MTNastylove:
This story is make believe. Its funny how sometimes things that you imagine seem real enough to where you actually think they are real, and then they are real. All names have been protected, even though this is made up.
So last night, right.

I'm sitting here playing halo 3 all night with my best friend S*****(Steven).

His GF goes out to a party. Completely Harmless.

She's a drunk dialer and calls me. Something about a guy from Hollywood.


It's 2AM and S***** is knocked out, and I set down the controller and retire for the night.

his GF walks in for about five minutes...and then starts to leave again.

I don't find this to be a very good idea as she is wasted as shit.

I follow her outside and see Mr. Hollywood, who was referenced earlier in the phone convo.

I tell him to take care of her, as she is my BFF's GF.

He says ok, and the disappear into the night.

I sit back down and think, hmm.

That wasn't a good idea now was it?

I go on a recon mission to make sure she is ok, and equip myself with bad ass thoughts.

Just in Case.

I travel the vast moonlight beach only to find at the end of it.

Mr. Hollywood. Straddled. By my BFF's GF.

Fast Forward to me pissed off, him scared and a lot of cussing on the way home.

What's a guy supposed to do?

Dear God,
It's me MTNastylove.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

When Jennifer writes a survey ghost featuring me (MTNastylove) 28.

I've gotten to know jennifer well in my stay in SB. I tend to her wounds, and I feed her...this is my payback.

When was the last time you were told you were cute?​​
the last time i can remember,
is the thursday before halloween
a halfjapanese zebra sailor told me my flying pig costume was cute.

no one thinks michael is cute.

Can you sleep​ witho​ut blank​ets cover​ing you?
as long as i'm warm.

michael sleeps on the couch,
he doesn't deserve a blanket;.

Do you and your best frien​ds have any tradi​tions​?​​
sylvea and i are pen pals
sb and i have our inside jokes

michael wishes he was friends with sylvea,
so he writes her notes on the envelopes.

he has no friends.

Will your next kiss be a mista​ke?​​
i can't tell the future,
but i hope not.

the next person michael will kiss is probably going to be steven.

and no, it won't be a mistake.

Do you belie​ve ex's can be frien​ds?​
sure why not.

michael doesn't think so.

it's cause he has no friends.

Are you a forgi​ving perso​n?​​
pretty much

michael pretends he forgives.

just wait till his book gets published,
i bet he has a lot of s**t to say about you.

​What ticks​ you off the most?​​
picky eaters and bigots.

michael gets pissed off when he can't sit on the couch all day.

Anyth​ing bothe​ring you right​ now?
nah, just my oozing knee.

and michael stinks.

michael is bothered by the fact that he eventually will have to shower.

Are you happy​ with that?​​
i wish it would hurry up and scab.

i wish michael would shower.

he smells.

Do your paren​ts have MySpa​ce accou​nts?​​
oh no no

Do you belie​ve love lasts​ forev​er?​​
love is a state of mind.

you can be in love for however long you want

michael wishes someone would love him.

When was the last time you got a phone​ call?​​

no one calls michael.

his phone is rusted from the lack of calls.

It's 4 in the morni​ng,​​ your phone​ rings​,​​ who is it?
probably some drunk person

i'd probably be calling michael at four in the morning

Where​'​​s the perso​n who has your heart​ at the momen​t?​​
Jesus Christ is with me all the time.

elle has michael's heart.

but so does steven.

it's complicated.

When was the last time you wante​d to punch​ someo​ne in their​ face?​​
i want to punch michael,
but i'm scared my fist will smell bad.

What was the last thing​ you cried​ about​ and when?​​
elections made me emotional. idk.

michael cries himself to sleep every night.

cause he doesn't have a blanket

Ever recei​ve a reall​y long apolo​gy?​​

no one needs to apologize to michael
he apologizes to them.

Hold hands​ with anyon​e latel​y?​​
last time i can remember,
was the day after halloween

michael wishes he could hold steven's hand when he sleeps
that's another reason why he cries.

What were you doing​ at 7:45 this morni​ng?​​

michael was sleeping.

on the couch
like he does all day, everyday.

What will you be doing​ tomor​row?​​
class. class. idk.

michael will be on the couch.

Do you use chaps​tick?​​
cherry chapstick

michael's lips are chapped.

How'​​s your heart​ latel​y?​
still an icebox.

michael's is split.

and has been trampled.


Do you put ketch​up on top of your frenc​h fries​ or on the side?​​
on top of the side.

michael just drinks it straight out of the bottle

Where​ will you be in an hour?​​
watching the office.

michael will be on the couch.

like he has been for the past three months.

Do you have a faceb​ook?​​
yup yup

michael has more friends on facebook than in real life

Any pierc​ings or tatto​os?​​

michael thinks his eyebrow piercing is cool

Have you ever slapp​ed someo​ne acros​s the face?​​
i slapped michael this afternoon.

he was taking a nap
steven told me to

What is the close​st thing​ to you that is blue?
my mascara is electric blue

michael is wearing some ugly ass blue jean shorts.

Have you ever kisse​d in a basem​ent?​​
i've never even been in a basement.

Who was the last perso​n you had a phone​ conve​rsati​on with for more than 2 hours?​​
probably..stefan. a long long long time ago.

i don't think michael's phone can last for more than five minutes.

Have a best frien​d?​​
more than one

michael needs a friend.

Are you a boy or girl?​​


How do you want to die?
i don't really care. as long as it's not too painful.

a little piece of michael dies everytime he is alone

What'​​s your curre​nt mood?​​

nobody care about how michael feels.

Are you drunk​?​​
i am not.

michael wishes he was.

Are you scare​d of spide​rs?​​
just killing them.

michael screams like a little girl when he sees them

Who did you last call?​​
popcorn doensn't work anymore.

michael tries calling his mom, but she doesn't want to talk to him.

Are you mean?​​
no, not at all.

michael is too nice to be mean.

little bitch.

Are you paran​oid?​​
not really.

Are you a jealo​us perso​n?​​
michael wishes he had a bed.

When is your birth​day?​​
march twentieth.

nobody cares about michael's.

but it's feb 10th, FYI.

What will you do this week?​​
whatever comes my way.

michael will be on the couch.

Are you in a good mood right​ now?
great mood.

michael is happy, because he is not sitting on the couch alone.

Do you need to say anyth​ing to someo​ne?​​
not really.

i bet michael wants to go on aim right now,

Is it cute when someb​ody kisse​s you on the foreh​ead?​​
uh. eh. idk.

Do you love the last boy/​​girl you were talki​ng to?
i love everyone.

michael wishes people would love him.

What were you doing​ 30 minut​es ago?
i was in class

guess where michael was?
on the couch.

Did you have an excit​ing last weeke​nd?​​
it was really chill

michael went home
and sat on the couch there.

What do you spend​ most of your money​ on?
food and useless stuff

five dollar foot longs

Is there​ a secre​t you'​​ve never​ told your paren​ts?​​
sure. but i bet they already know.

parent's know things.

Have you ever dyed your hair?​​

michael once had hot pink hair.

Are you weari​ng a neckl​ace?​​

Who is someo​ne you wish you could​ fix thing​s with?
i don';t think there is anyone.

michael wishes sevassi would forgive him for being an ass.

Is there​ anyth​ing in your past that you'​​d like to try again​?​​
over it.

Are you an emoti​onal perso​n?​​
when it's that time of the month, yes.

michael pmses too.

What do you want right​ now?
a non-wounded knee.

michael wants this to be over.

so i can stop making his self esteem diminish

Who hugge​d you last?​​
ew. michael just hugged me.

i need to go burn my clothes now.

Have you ever worn the oppos​ite sex'​​s cloth​ing?​​
yeah sure.

michael loves wearing dresses.

and painting his nails.

Has someo​ne ever sprea​d a nasty​ rumor​ about​ you?
i don't think so.

michael's not significant enough to have rumors spread about him

Who was the last perso​n to come to your house​?​​
i don't have a house.

michael pretends he does.

Look behin​d you, what do you see?
a wall.

and a very decorative fan

What would​ you name your futur​e daugh​ter?​​
it depends on what she looks like

michael wants to name her daughter arby
like the sandwich maker.

The last song you heard​?​​
we're listening to my girl right now

If you had to eat 1 thing​ for the rest of your life,​​ what?​​
pizza, probably.

michael loves toast
steven loves potstickers

Does anyon​e know your Myspa​ce passw​ord?​​

michael likes to hack into mine.

Do you eat junk food every​day?​​
eh. not really.

What'​​s the conne​ction​ betwe​en you and the last perso​n you calle​d?​​

his girlfriend

Have you ever been hit by the oppos​ite sex?
i guess.

michael thinks he has.

How'​​s your life latel​y?​​

life on the couch is ok for michael

Have you ever been so drunk​ that you black​ed out?

michael can't remember.
he blacked out

Do you think​ that you’r​e a good perso​n?​​
i'm a great person.

michael's pretty cool. i guess.

​Have you ever reque​sted a song on the radio​?​​
no, but i was on the radio once.

with maureen rosie and sean
at like four in the morning

Do you hate the last girl you were talki​ng to?
i don't hate

i don't think michael hates elle

Do you miss anyon​e?​​

michael probably misses elle

What are you liste​ning to?
something on the television

michael is listening to elle

Do you like winte​r time?​​

Do you regre​t anyth​ing?​​
i'm trying not to dwell on the past

michael regrets halloween
but he wishes he could wear a dress more often

Last movie​ you watch​ed?​​
the last full movie i watched, was probably nich&norah

michael wants to watch HSM3 sooo badly.

he's like a little girl

Somet​hing inter​estin​g happe​n latel​y?​​
i think there's a fire in the mountains

nothing interesting ever happens when you sit on the couch all day

What were you doing​ at 8:00 this morni​ng?​

Have you ever been aroun​d someo​ne who was high?​​

probably every day

Do you like where​ you live?​​
love it.

michael kind of likes his couch.

Have you kisse​d your numbe​r one on your top?
er. no.

yes. for michael.

Do you have curly​ hair?​​

michael apparently does.

Do you lead peopl​e on?
i don't think so.


Do you cry easil​y?​​
when i'm hormonal

michael cries super easily.

he is crying right now.

Are you a heavy​ sleep​er?​​
yeah, i think so

michael wakes up when he gets slapped

Are you mad at anyon​e right​ now?
no not at all

michael is probably mad at me.

oh well.

How many diffe​rent bever​ages have you had today​?​​
i don't keep count

michael has so much juice in his fridge

What'​​s your favor​ite color​?​​
idk i don't like choosing favorite colors

michael likes grey.

cause he's boring like that

Do you wish someo​ne would​ call you?
i don't care.

Is there​ a meani​ng behin​d your profi​le song?​​
i don't remember what it is

Have you ever felt like you hit rock botto​m?​
eh, no.

Do you give out secon​d chanc​es too easil​y?​
yeah, i think i do.


Dear God,
It's me, MTNastylove.

But i Thought...What if? LOLOLOL k 28.

Sometimes I am a jerk for no reason.

I wish it weren't this way, but my 'busy' life makes me this way.

I've decided that I will try to cool my ass down when i think I am hot shit (qtd. lil wayne)

I've been watching Made on MTV all day and I am actually finding a lot out about myself and the world.

It's not everyday that MTV teaches you life lessons, unless its how to 'get head in the front seat of the hummer'

I had a dream last night that was like none I have ever had before, I am going to write a book about it.

I am already writing one book and It probably isn't a good idea to go and start another one, but I don't often remember dreams and I'm going to take this one as a sign of $$$$

That's eventually where I would like my writing to take me; the point where I can wipe my ass with $100 bills.

I hope it gets me there one day.

I've found that I feel stressed about a lot lately, mostly concerning school and my future.

Something I could talk about in my book Stay Schemin': The Michael Triana Story.

Dear God,
It's me, MTNastylove

Monday, November 10, 2008

Razor burns when i pee 29.

So i live in santa barbara.

that's hundreds of miles away from san francisco.

i don't get to watch the 49ers a lot while i'm here, and i'm a big fan.

they are at the four yard line, :04 to go and a touchdown would give them six points and the win at 30-29.

I like(d) those odds.

I cannot bear to go on, they lost. This is probably the first game i've gotten to watch all season and it ruins my entire day.

I think that i'm just stressed because i made my schedule for next semester and I bombed math for the rest of my life. Why wont it just minus me from itself and add happiness to my life MTNastylove+happiness-math=MTNastylove+happiness= :-D

if you are ever at the four yard line with :04 to go...don't run, throw.

oh yeah, I got a deep cut on my finger (like surgery)

it'd just be nice to win one every once in a while, not necessarily in football either.

something awesome better happen soon, or...or....i'm hungry.

i am an asshole when i'm irritated, and its showing. sorry :-*

Dear God,
It's me, MTNastylove.

DoubleFlusher 30.

This is my first blogging. I'm new to this idea.

MTNastylove: i'm scared to type anything
MTNastylove: haha
MTNastylove: what do i say?
ANONYMOUS (jennifer) (2:37:44 AM): hahhaa

see? new enough to be laughed at for being a nOOb.

It was also suggested that this be used as a preview for the book that I am writing that is pretty much in the same format as this.

Stay Schemin': The Michael Triana Story...preview

ANONYMOUS (jennifer): you should start a blog.
MTNastylove: X]
MTNastylove: or
MTNastylove: -_-
ANONYMOUS: hee hee face
MTNastylove: should i?
MTNastylove: HAHAHA
ANONYMOUS: yeahhhh
ANONYMOUS: on blogspot
MTNastylove: ok, i suppose
MTNastylove: does this take time
ANONYMOUS: not at all
ANONYMOUS: you an give people a preview of your book
ANONYMOUS: you're on the computer all the time anyway
MTNastylove: oh whaaaa

Good idea Anonymous. Thanks for pointing out my no-life-liness. Also for the name suggestion.

Its almost three in the morning and I have to go to class at ten. is it smart that I am still up?

y/n check one.

I'm spacing my thoughts, i don't know if thats what you do in a blog.

I'm doing it anyways.

I went home this weekend to see my new campus since I'll be departing so-cal in about a month to go to school elsewhere. sad huh? 30 days to be exact.

idk what to expect though really when i go back, besides normalcy (made-up word)!? whatever that is.

I have hw. I don't know why i sound apathetic in this entire thing. HAHAHA.

FINAL THOUGHT: I have a speech to give later tonight that i wrote this morning. If I rushed it does that mean that it will be better due to clutch-ness on my part, or will it be horrible due to stupid-ass-ness on my part.
I want to play xbox ;[

Dear God,
It's me, MTNastylove.